Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Did you know that Easter is Jesus' OPEN DAY...?

Dear Diary,

It's time for a re-post! About 5 years ago, I wrote a post about Easter being Jesus' "Open Day" and I believe this thought is as relevant today as it was then! I hope you agree with me and my readers will enjoy it. So here it is...

Last year, around this time of the year, I had the privilege to attend the Pearson High School "Open Day" - a time of introduction to all prospective new parents and students. Coming from Europe and an entirely different educational system, this was all so new to me. But even some of my South African friends said that, coming from Primary School, it seemed like a whole new world to them. An entirely "new ball game" so to say. So much more to do for our children; so much more to aspire to and so many new people to meet for both parents and kids. Quite overwhelming at first, but also exciting. On this open day, the admission rules were explained to us, because this new school, this new world is reserved for some. Yes, anyone can apply, but only 160 students will get in. That’s the reality, these are the admission limits set by the headmaster or the governing body of the school. However, somewhere among the application forms, there was a piece of paper that stated a very important part of the admission rules - that admission is guaranteed if you live in the vicinity of the school. It said that if Pearson High is your nearest High School and if you are a rightful resident here, then you will not be refused entry. What a relief to know! Especially in the presence of the other 500 people who might all be applying later. Why am I telling you all this…?

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Easter is coming up and I have been pondering over this thought for a while. I believe Easter is Jesus' OPEN DAY! He came; He made His presentation. Heaven is His world, a world we know little about, but the bible promises that it will be far beyond our imagination! In a broad way, you could say it is almost like the change over from primary school to high school and God wants all of us to be there one day. Anyone can apply. However, not everyone will be granted entry. But I have some really GOOD NEWS! Jesus created a similar and very important admission rule - if He is your friend and you therefore “live in the vicinity” of the cross he died on per say, admission for you is also GUARANTEED! Isn't that awesome? I was so relieved when I finally understood this on that open day! Yes, you may fail a grade or two in primary school or here on earth, you might even mess up on your very next exam, but if you believe in Jesus and you keep him in your heart, your grades don’t matter. You will get in.

This vicinity thing is really important because we can easily get worried. Many people worry about whether they will go to heaven one day or not. Just like many parents have asked me since that Open Day: “What if you don’t get in?” They wanted to know if I would apply to any other high school and my answer has always been NO. None. This is the only one I will apply for. It definitely seems to be the best one for us and the good news is, we live nearby. Some parents still seem to worry, even though they live near the school. Perhaps they did not read the small print and now they are vulnerable to Satan's lies. He loves to sneak in a thought of worry or two: “Are you sure your child will be accepted?” or “What if his/her grades don’t measure up?”. But I don't listen to his nonsense anymore! I read the small print, so I know the truth and that is that my child's acceptance is guaranteed. 

I admit, however, that I, myself, have had lots of thoughts that I might not be good enough for heaven and there were many times where I have sinned and Satan himself tried to convince me that I would not make “the cut” anymore. But that is when I now go and read the "small print" of God’s promise again, which in the bible is not actually small print at all. It says, quite clearly, that if you are a friend of Jesus and you make him your Lord, you will get into heaven. Your behavior is not the deciding factor, but your closeness to Jesus is. So the only question for each one of us, over this Easter, is this: is He my friend and do I therefore live "near the cross" per say? If not, why not make him your friend this coming Easter and make sure your admission is guaranteed? Jesus was here! He had His “Open Day” when he hung on the cross and He is reminding us every Easter now, that he has enough space for us all. There is no admission limit with him in terms of numbers, all we have to do is believe. There is, however, a deadline for enrolling and we need to enroll now before he comes back.

I think even Satan knows that his time is almost up and Jesus will come back. Almost every new action movie released these days is advertising some kind of “impending return”. People are sensing it and Satan is trying to promote his own team. He will do anything to keep you distracted and busy and away from Jesus! But Easter is Jesus’ Open Day! Time just for me and him! Have you put your application in yet? If not…why don’t you pray to Him today?! I wish you a very...

Picture is my own.